AmigaSoc UK
N e w s

One more reason to join a user group!

Epic Marketing are just about to launch the long-awaited title "Simon the Sorcerer II". As keen participants in the AmigaSoc User Group Discount Scheme, those nice chaps at Epic are offering UK user group members five quid off the pre-order price for this smashing new game. Therefore, you can pick up a copy for just 25 pounds! What are you waiting for ?

Find your nearest user group using AmigaSoc's unique and comprehensive postcode search engine from If you don't have any nearby, sign up for the AmigaSoc Lost Souls database so you can be put in touch with lots of other like-minded Amigans.

If you're an Amiga dealer and wish to offer discounts to user groups in the UK, or are from a user group and would like to register your group for the discount scheme then contact Andrew Elia.

Note: The discounts will only be offered to representatives of user groups who have registered the name and address of their representative with AmigaSoc.

Finally, AmigaSoc UK would like to take this opportunity to wish all Amigans a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year (and indeed Millennium) -especially while all the PC lamers are bawling their eyes out over Y2K!